
A lot of people have good intentions when it comes to eating healthy but find that they are simply not able to do so. There are times when it is simply impossible to put down that cake, even though you know that you are harming yourself.

The simple truth is that we can become addicted to food. It is actually quite a serious issue. Those with the addiction often find that no amount of self-control is ever enough when it comes to food. There may be some things you can do to help such as taking a supplement. Read more information on how a supplement like Garcinia Cambogia could possibly help you.

Addiction To Food In A Nutshell

Addiction to food is not much different than any other addiction - you get the same kind of urges and have about the same amount of control over your addiction. The only difference is that food, particularly junk food, is your substance of choice. And it is a lot easier (and legal) to buy your fix at any store.


Junk foods taste good and also activate those feel-good chemicals in the brain such as dopamine.Foods that are the worst offenders tend to have a lot of sugar or wheat in them, or a combination of the two.

A number of studies have proven that this is a very real addiction.

There are those that still argue that this is an "imaginary" issue and, as a result, we really cannot say how widespread it is - a lot of sufferers are probably afraid to come forward for fear of being ridiculed. In that respect, and perhaps more as well, it is similar in nature to a number of compulsive eating disorders like bulimia, binging, overeating, etc.

Are You Addicted To Food?

Unfortunately, there is no way to simply go to the doctor and get a firm diagnosis. A blood test won't cut it. What you do need to do is to look at what symptoms you have. The following are symptoms that are commonly found in food addiction:

  • You frequently get cravings for certain foods, despite feeling full and having just finished a nutritious meal.
  • Once you start to eat the food you crave, it is hard to stop and easy to eat more than you intended to.
  • You may eat the craved food to a point where you feel uncomfortable and stuffed.
  • You feel bad about eating these foods but, despite this, carry on eating them anyway.
  • You find reasons to justify giving in to your cravings.
  • Previous diets are rules about what to eat and when have failed on a number of occasions.
  • You eat in secret.
  • You find yourself unable to stop even though you logically know that these foods are bad for you.

Being able to tick more than four of the above means that you most likely have a problem when it comes to food - six or more means that you probably are an addict.

This Is No Laughing Matter


Unfortunately, not everyone realizes that this is actually a serious problem and those who admit to being addicts are often teased. That is changing though as more studies are beginning to establish just how serious this actually is. Scientists have begun to reveal that food addiction acts on the same pleasure centers in the brain that drug addiction does. It just isn't as illegal and is more socially acceptable.

A food addiction probably won't cost you your home or job. It can, however, cost you your life. If you are serious about being healthy, you need to break the addiction. While the consequences may not seem so bad - after all, you think that serious health problems are an issue to deal with down the road - I am telling you that this is a serious issue for you today. If you have a food addiction it is ruining your life now and destroying your future.

Normal Takes On New Meaning For An Addict

When it comes to addiction, once you are clean, you can never go back, even occasionally or you risk fueling the addiction again. Addicts know that they cannot be around the substance of abuse, not now and not any time in the future. That is a simple fact and it's why you need to commit to a new way of eating and stick to it.

The good news is that if you stick to a healthy diet and keep clear of the gateway foods - foods that trigger the addictive behaviour - weight loss and a feeling of well being ought to be easy enough. In fact, after you get used to the new and improved you, you might even find that you do not want to go back to the way things were.

Is It Really Worth It?

Is it really worth it to cut out these foods - after all, they taste really great and are a big part of our lives today. Initially it will be hard but once you have decided not to eat them ever again, it starts to get simpler; you don't have to waste time justifying why you need to buy them and the cravings even go away after a time.

If you are still not convinced, look at what the advantages and disadvantages are.

Advantages: Weight loss, better health, more energy, not feeling bad about what you are eating.

Disadvantages: No more ice cream or midnight snacks, no more easy dining out with friends, etc.

Set up your own list and really think about it. How much is everything on your lists worth to you? Then decide whether or not you feel that it is a worthwhile exercise. If you answer "Yes", then commit to the plan.

Start Preparing And Set Your Timeline

You need to do some homework before embarking on this process or you could run into snags.

  • Start by listing your trigger foods - those that you crave and cannot get enough of.
  • Look for alternative eateries that serve healthy meals; this is essential as you may not always feel like cooking.
  • Identify foods that are good for you and that you enjoy eating - if you enjoy the food, you are bound to find it easier to stick to the diet.
  • Write down why you are doing this and set copies up where you can see them in your home and put a copy in your wallet and your car. That way, it is on hand when motivation is flagging.

You are NOT dieting at this moment - weight loss is not the primary goal here and should be shunted aside for the next couple of months. It is difficult to get over a food addiction on a good day, so if you throw in the privations of dieting the whole thing may become overwhelming.

Now that you are ready, set your timeline - decide when you are going to really begin.

Don't Be Afraid To Get Help

There is, of course, a chance, even a likelihood, that you will slip ups or have setbacks. That is normal. Most addicts will relapse at least once. Many will relapse a few times. Getting over an addiction is not an easy matter at all.

If, however, you find that you keep falling off the wagon and cannot get it right, do get help. There are lots of people and a number of organizations that you can turn to for support and guidance. If you cannot find one of the free support groups in your area, such as Overeaters Anonymous, do consider getting paid professional help.

Just Don't Ignore The Issue

You are not going to wake up one day and suddenly be cured of this addiction - you need to take steps to stop it in its tracks. Otherwise it is just going to get worse.

Brought to you by our expert team at Authority Health.

Juno received an MSc in Dietetics from Robert Gordon University in Scotland and is registered with the British Dietetic Association (BDA) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). As someone who has learned the value of healthy eating later in life, her passion is teaching younger children about the value of eating well. She offers hands-on, instructional classes to both children and adults to prepare healthy meals. In addition, she consults with local institutions and schools to promote healthy eating and advice on healthy meal preparation.

She has traveled the globe and been privileged to experience a wealth of cuisines, the Mediterranean diet being her favored (and healthiest) option. Juno loves creating in the kitchen and that is where she comes alive. According to Juno, “Food is medicine” and thinks that the adage of “we are what eat” should be the mantra we all should live by. Her big dream one day is to pen a cookbook with recipes from her travels but, for now, she is happy writing on her health and wellness blog.

She is married with 3 beautiful children, 2 Airedale Terriers, 4 cats and a guinea pig. She lives in the countryside of Southern England and loves nothing more than walking on the coast on a blustery day to blow away the cobwebs!